The Soulsville Society

Music Changes People - People Change the World

If you, like thousands across the country, saw the recent HBO Documentary Stax: Soulsville USA, you know only part of the story. The film did an incredible job sharing the story of the legends and the life-changing music created here in Soulsville, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

One thing that rings true from the series is that young people did, in fact, come to the corner of College and McLemore to find their best selves, pursue their dreams, and create music that impacted the hearts of human beings.

That still happens here today on that very same corner. We bring these stories to life at the Stax Museum, we keep the heart of Stax Records beating here at the Stax Music Academy, and we educate young minds at The Soulsville Charter School.

But we can’t do it without you.

We are asking you to join a group of like-minded people who understand that the Stax legacy did not end in 1975, but lives on today, with your support.

I am excited to share how you can make an impact on the lives of young people as an inaugural member of the Soulsville Society:

Steward of Soulsville - $10 a month or $100 annually
Champion of Soulsville - $25 a month or $300 annually
Patron of Soulsville - $85 a month or $1,000 annually